You are my Sunshine

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As I sit here and listen to the cold rain pounding outside, I am longing for a couple days ago when it was 90 degrees outside. Remember that? I am not a fan of cold. These images that the P family helped me create last July are helping me feel warm and sunny again. I absolutely love the colors in these portraits - everything happy and loving and fun. Just like their family. :-)


Missy said…
Kris, these pictures of my family are amazing! You are such an incredible photographer. You captured each of us perfectly and it is amazing how you made our personalities shine as well. You are a master at working with children and all six of my grandchildren actually loved having their pictures taken. No tears were shed or tantrums thrown; a hard feat at 8:00 at night. Everyone loves these pictures and we all love you!!
Kris Doman said…
Missy, I thank you sincerely for the opportunity to know and spend time with your darling family. Your grandkids are so well behaved, I hardly had to do anything to draw out those smiles.