Super Elder and his Trusty Sidekick

 photo IMG_4173.png  photo disiqueria4.jpg  photo blogcollge1.png  photo blogcollge2.png  photo blogcollage2-4.png  photo IMG_2340BLG.png  photo blogcollage1-4.png Dear T&G, You are so lucky to have each other. I've told you a hundred times, but I'm going to say it again (hopefully the more I say it, the more likely it'll come true) - I hope my kids will be grow up as close as you two are. I can't believe I've been photographing you for 8 years already. I thought I'd post your first portrait for nostalgia's sake. G, you are going to rock it in Guatemala - you have an incredible strength of will. I remember how hard it was to get you to smile for the camera when you were young. That steadfastness will be an incredible asset in the next couple years and beyond. I will consider myself very blessed if I'm still photographing you both 8 years from now, and maybe by then I'll know more about Pokemon or the Doctor so I don't make a fool of myself trying to sound cool. God knows and loves you both, and so do I. -Kris


fox24 said…
Kris has been a blessing to know you and your wonderful family we love it is a honor to know a so high Arts as you.