When The Stunning Miss T here and I were talking on the phone to schedule her senior portraits, I told her I had found this amazing location, but that we would have to meet at about 5:00 am to get there for the ideal, pre-sunrise light. She didn't even hesitate and agreed to get up before any human should so we could make the most of the sweet natural illumination. Many times it's easier and more convinient to schedule a portrait session in the middle of the day when the light is harsh and contrasty - and sometimes it is necessary - and we do our best to make the most of the light that is available (the last two images were in full sun later in the morning.) However, I have found that my very best work is the stuff that happens just before sunrise and just after sunset. You may consider this when thinking about your next portrait session...
Oh, and how absolutely fabulous is she? I mean REALLY? I can't believe you are graduating and moving into adulthood, T. You were just a little girl the first time you came in front of my lens. *Sniff* I'll stop being weepy now, I promise...
Oh, and how absolutely fabulous is she? I mean REALLY? I can't believe you are graduating and moving into adulthood, T. You were just a little girl the first time you came in front of my lens. *Sniff* I'll stop being weepy now, I promise...