I've been photographing a lot of dancers lately - over 700 in the past 3 weeks, with about 300 more coming before the season is over. I just spent the last week photographing The Children's Ballet Theater's Cinderella cast and performances. I won't lie - CBT week is hardest work week of the year for me. But it's always ALWAYS worth it to see the poise, beauty, and sheer hard-core athleticism of the young people who dance there. I love the staff, I love the dancers, and I love the parents who trust me to capture what they can't on these truly magical nights of performance. Thank you so much to everyone - especially MY staff - Heather and Em - without whom I would be crankier than a 5-year old in a blue-bird costume. You guys are truly amazing.
One of my clients this week (Hi, Crystal!!) said that she was just learning to appreciate the talents of others without feeling like she had to do them herself. I think I probably should have taken her advice, and anyone who views this image is no doubt thinking the same thing. I will leave the dancing to the professionals, I promise...

I will be taking a ill-timed but super-exciting break from dance portraits for the next two weeks (more of that fun little gig to come!) Until then, please do not try to reach me by phone (overseas bills and all...) If you need to get a message to me you can email kris@kdportraits.com as I should still have internet. Au' revoir!
One of my clients this week (Hi, Crystal!!) said that she was just learning to appreciate the talents of others without feeling like she had to do them herself. I think I probably should have taken her advice, and anyone who views this image is no doubt thinking the same thing. I will leave the dancing to the professionals, I promise...
I will be taking a ill-timed but super-exciting break from dance portraits for the next two weeks (more of that fun little gig to come!) Until then, please do not try to reach me by phone (overseas bills and all...) If you need to get a message to me you can email kris@kdportraits.com as I should still have internet. Au' revoir!