I Believe in the IPPA

When I was learning photography way back in 2001 (why does that not seem like a long time ago?) I joined our local IPPA - The Intermountain Professional Photographers Association. It is our local affiliate of the PPA (Professional Photographers of America). In a nutshell, it is a group of professional photographers who meet to learn, share, and bounce ideas off of each other while striving to understand such intimidating phenomenon as lighting, posing, marketing, social media, etc.

This past week I had the honorable opportunity of co-teaching a workshop for the IPPA with Laura Bruschke and Miyo Strong from Busath Photography. It was probably one of the hardest things I have ever done. Not only did I have to come up with something to teach (and teaching alone is something at which I've never felt very adept) but I had to stand up there with two of the best photographers in the state and give something unique and hopefully useful to those in attendance. I was so nervous and physically affected by it that I couldn't even point my nifty new laser pointer right because my hand was shaking so badly.

It got easier, though, as the day progressed. Pretty soon I could see that most everyone in the audience were people that I already know, and with whom I have built trusting relationships. These fine photographers are people I have called in desperate times of need and they have answered with no hesitation. They are friends and colleagues who totally geek out with me when we start talking sweet light and gear. It's these same people who sit in print competition with me - holding our breath while the judges call one of our prints back - and silently high-five after the final score has gone out... After realizing all this, it was quite a bit easier, and I was so grateful for those relationships, and for those fantastic people who were there in support of the three of us. I had an incredible sense of belonging and family unlike any class I've ever attended in the past.

And then there were my kids. When I was trying to come up with an ideal set of models for our demo, I thought, "I need a couple of kids that are brother and sister, between the ages of 8-12, who's mom won't care if I take them out of school for a day to model for me...." And then I realized that I actually HAVE that in my own kids, so I decided to try it. I was really really nervous to be teacher, photographer, and mom all at the same time because I have not had much success with multiple roles in the past. Turns out my fears were totally unwarranted, and with a little help from Allison (life saver!) they were the best-behaved and most amazing models I could have ever hoped for. I seriously was swelling with pride and love for them, and was just grateful that I am lucky enough to be their mom. Here are some of the images I created at the class - when I look at these, I will always remember how unexpectedly wonderful the whole day turned out for me. It was a truly wonderful day.


Emily Hatch said…
Kris, you did such a fantastic job teaching. It was great to watch you work, and make such beautiful images in a less than desirable location, under pressure, in the freezing cold. I am always amazed by you. Thanks for sharing your talent!