I Wonder....I Wonder.... (Utah Child Character Portraits)

Briar Rose. My very favorite Disney Princess since I was a little girl. There was always something so dignified and sweet in her poise, and maturity far beyond her 16 years. I'm afraid when I went to capture her portrait, all her little woodland creatures scampered away, which is really too bad because they would have been awfully cute props. Rose, you can't hide your obvious royalty behind your peasant clothes. You are a princess to your core! I love you.


Erin said…
So cute. Sleeping Beauty was always my favorite growing up too.
Ruth H. said…
These are gorgeous! She's got the hands just right. Sleeping Beauty was always my favorite, too. You know why? Because that Prince Phillip is HOT! {Fans self.} I love that scene where the witch is taunting him in the dungeon, and he jumps up and a lock of hair falls over his eyes. Don't tell me you don't like that part, too.