Professional Wedding Photography (Utah and Arizona)

I have the absolute thrill to be able to photograph this unbelievably gorgeous couple on their wedding day next month. We did a grand engagement/pre-wedding portrait weekend a couple weeks back, and I am sending in their finished images for canvas printing this week. Can I just say that the only way these two faces could be any prettier would be to print them on true emulsion-inlaid canvas? I may have to print one or two just to hang in my house. :-) Anyway, I know there are way too many images in this post, but I love the multi-colored theme they have going on, and I really did edit lots already. If you want more, check them out on my Facebook page. You guys are truly amazing at heart, I love you both!


Heather Cook said…
Love it love it love it! Great job kris!
Peter Loosli said…
Gorgeous pictures. Amazing, as always.