The last time I created a family portrait for the A family, it was with my Hasselblad 501C. I remember buying that camera thinking, "this is the last camera I will ever have to buy." The medium format Giant has been around for decades, and I thought once I owned one, it would all be lights, lenses, and backdrops from there. Didn't quite turn out that way, did it? As a professional digital photographer, I'm looking at the realization that I will probably have to replace my camera every 4-5 years (if I'm lucky and the technology lasts that long.) I sold that 501C to be able to buy my current workhorse, and every once in a while I miss it, and wish I had held onto it. Not today, but sometimes.
"A" family, it was so great to see all the kids again! I still can't get over the shock of S driving the family van, and the knowledge that someday that'll be MY son in the driver's seat (shudder!) I usually don't like BW images in the fall landscape (seems kind of off the point to me) but this close-up of your faces seemed so timeless in the classic medium, I just love it - I love that you are all laughing, and that C FINALLY smiled for me. I'm sure I was being extremely ridiculous at that point.

One of my all-time favorite couple portraits. This images speaks volumes about your relationship, your family, and your lives.

I also loved our furry friends who were not spooked by us at all, and just ignored our loud obnoxious noises while muching away at the leaves. Too funny!
"A" family, it was so great to see all the kids again! I still can't get over the shock of S driving the family van, and the knowledge that someday that'll be MY son in the driver's seat (shudder!) I usually don't like BW images in the fall landscape (seems kind of off the point to me) but this close-up of your faces seemed so timeless in the classic medium, I just love it - I love that you are all laughing, and that C FINALLY smiled for me. I'm sure I was being extremely ridiculous at that point.
One of my all-time favorite couple portraits. This images speaks volumes about your relationship, your family, and your lives.
I also loved our furry friends who were not spooked by us at all, and just ignored our loud obnoxious noises while muching away at the leaves. Too funny!