Your Friendly Neighborhood 8-year-old (Salt Lake Child Photography)

I've been dying to post these for a couple weeks, but had to wait for my Image Seeker's meeting before revealing the big debut. The majority of responses I've gotten so far have been regarding where he got his costume. Isn't it common knowledge that Spidey makes his own costume? **Wink wink, T**

For those who prefer the darker side of Spidey...

One of the most universally appealing things about our web-slinging hero is his humanity and his ability to mess up - hugely sometimes. I was so excited that he was willing to explore this side of himself photographically.

I was having a discussion with my husband about who is my favorite super-hero, and even though that other "Super" guy was high on the list, I still have to give the final trophy to this guy. It's not just that he tries to do the right thing, even though it usually involves sacrificing something of great importance to himself - he's a PHOTOGRAPHER, people. I mean, come on! At the end of the day he's just hoping he can eradicate evil, and sell an image or two to pay the bills. Shoot on, Spidey, shoot on!


Brekke Felt said…
Wow! Kris these are absolutely fantastic! Stunning as always and so much fun! What little boy wouldn't want these hanging up in his room? Love them!!!!
aurra said…
OH YES!!!! Shoot on Spidey for sure!! We can hear the spiderman soundtrack blasting out of these pictures! The Daily Bugle would be going nuts to get these pictures!! I think even J. Jonah Jameson would increase Peter's pay for these! I and the family are loving what you've captured with Spidey!!!!!!! We all have a favorite shot, and they are all different ones! The hub loves the "frustrations with being a superhero", the littlest one loves the B&W's (but what is too be expected from a child who is all too familiar with the darkside). I'm loving those clung to the wall shots and the b&w with that wonderful reflection in his eye (because if I know spidey, it ain't easy seeing through layered eyewear*). Spidey suited up well! And we would have been very sad if you hadn't captured Spidey saving MaryJane....can you hear us screaming with joy from miles away...YAHHHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aubri said…
Those pics are awesome and the costume is FABULOUS!
Ann Marie said…
The costume and photos are fabulous! Kudo's to Spidey's mom.. the talented Photographer and Seamstress!!!