What do you get when you mix 9 photographers, 4 point-n-shoot cameras, 3 days of intensive photographic study, and one Irish Pub?
And finally,
And finally,
I just returned from Imaging USA. It is the largest national photography convention out there, and I am starting to realize that this is not an optional event for me. This is only the second time I've attended, but the knowledge, ideas, and networking that I get out of the experience are so valuable for my business and art! If there are any photographers out there reading this who haven't attended Imaging USA before, I implore you to consider attending in San Antonio next year. The trade show alone is worth the price of admission. It's Christmas in January! Here are some of my favorite highlights this year...
Jerry Ghionis - Bringing Sexy back!
Bry Cox - creating your own problems
Andrew Jenkins - speed shooting and easy cheese
"It's because I love you!"
Judy and Judd....
Simone's exquisite art
CPQ's calendars
Nostril shots
Popcorn flavored ice-cream
The Fromagerie - 75% butter-fat cheese
Seeing my first Loan Print hang with the other Loan Prints...
...and of course the acupuncture machine!