It Is Your Destiny...

This is a portrait session that is seriously over a year in the making. There were so many things that got in the way - haircuts, kids growing to big for their costumes, schedules, weather, life.... I was starting to think it might never happen. It would become another one of those great big ideas of mine that shrivels into a what-if. Then fate stepped in, and the clouds cleared for one day. I had a Friday afternoon free that I could drive 4 hours there and back. Besides being some of the coolest kids on this planet, they were unbelievable actors. And could you just die over these costumes? As one artist to another, T, you rock the costume house. This kind of session makes me feel totally called to my station - man, I was just meant to do this kind of thing.


Ann Marie said…
Love it! Great location for a Jedi!
Emily Hatch said…
How freakin cool!? I'm glad you got to do this session Kris. I can't wait to see more.
Aubri said…
AWESOME! at looks great!
Ruth H. said…
Too cool for words. So cool I blogged about you.
NutMeg said…
Is that moon in the background for real?! Wow. I feel like I'm on Tatooine! I am such a nerd, and this kind of stuff just makes me happy. To think, there is a whole family of nerds out there just like me! lol. P.S. Love the Leia costume from Empire Strikes Back - that is one you RARELY see. Very cute!
Tammy Jolley said…
So cool!
Heather Cook said…
I could leave a comment, But really it goes without saying, just keep strummin' your guitar because you are a freakin' rock star!
I read somewhere you're going to stalk someone for their work. But I am intrigued by yours, m'dear! I think the Star Wars is amazing and wow the color, and wow,the intensity in their little faces!

Then the little August Gift Baby. How precious! Great great works!
Rulon Doman said…
FYI, the moon is not real. Part of great photography is building your photo how you want it. Not just what was given you on that particular day. I have seen a photo build from many MANY photos before. It is however GREAT that you think the moon may be real. It means the illusion has crept into reality.
Heather said…
Love it. LOL!! Too cute!
Carlos De Siqueira said…
Kris, you are amazing (maravilhosa)some people try hard to became a Arts, but u born with that extraordinary gift.What else I can say , YOU ARE A ARTIST!!!
Bloomin' Gin said…
The force was with you I see...Um, I just can't wait to see more ideas on this line!
E Mama said…
The force is with you!! My son would die for a chance to have his photo like Darth Vader, it is all about Star Wars this year!! Have a great holiday!
Vonney said…
Are those costums yours? I would like to get pictures like that of my children.
Camilla said…
What do I think? Absolutely incredible. I'd think it worth a major investment of time too. Awesome pics.