Happy Birthday Disney Style

My Boy turned eight this year. A big day, no doubt. We told him he could either have a big party or go to Disneyland. What do you think an 8-year-old would choose? It actually ended up being less expensive and far easier to plan than some of his other birthdays. I love you Boy-O!

Finally big enough to ride the Indiana Jones Adventure!! Yea!

I am hardly ever in the vacation pics. I am SO grateful to the anonymous stranger who offered to take an image of me with my baby girl. Thank you thank you thank you!!!

I'm going to brag a little here. Check out how cool these shots are: they are all taken straight out of the camera with no adjustments except a little cropping to fit them into the square format. You want to know the best part? These were all taken by my 6-year old daughter. It was wonderful to have somebody else in the family documenting our trip. I felt a little off the hook and was able to enjoy things just a little more. I think she has a fabulous eye... what's that? You think I'm a bit biased? Ok, well maybe a little...

And my absolute favorite Disneyland image taken by my girl:


Ann Marie said…
I L-O-V-E Disneyland!

It looks like a SuPeR happy day!

Loved all of the pictures...
Camilla said…
Looks like you all had a great time and took some great pictures. I love my pics as memories of our trip also.
Keep that girl taking pics and she will likely follow in your footsteps. Her shots look great.
Emily Hatch said…
I am green with envy. GREEN! Disneyland on a birthday must be so much fun. The pictures look amazing, and have definitely convinced me to take my old professional camera to the park next time instead of the lousy point and shoot. It looks like you've had an amazing summer Kris. We'll have to get together soon and catch up!
Balser said…
Hi Kris! I can't believe your son is 8 already! Time sure flies! I totally forgot that you take (awesome BTW) pictures until last night. I was at my friend Allison Despain's house and saw their gorgeous family pictures! I looked in the corner to check out who did it and saw K Doman-I said "Holy cow! Is this by Kris Doman?!" She said yes, then I remembered about your photography! You were just starting up last time I saw you guys! It's seriously been forever ago! This is April (Mettmann) Barrett by the way! My mom Tanya (and dad Lee) were really good friends with Peggy and Kurt. You have cute kids-two red heads and a blonde! I have red hair too but so far we've only had (4) blondies! They are all dolls! Your talent in photography has developed beautifully! Keep up the great work! Sorry for the long comment!
Kris Doman said…
April! E-mail me your email address! It's so great to hear from you. Thank you so much for your comment. I love long comments.
Hey, April just sent me a link to your website. WOW! Beautiful, gorgeous, fabulous, amazing and awesome pictures. I LOVE WHAT YOU DO! I want to get my grandkids to come and get their pictures taken. You really have a talent and an eye for photography. Happy to see that you enjoyed yourself in Disneyland. Fun place for the family. I am excited to read through your blog and find out what you have been up to for the past few years. Say hi to Rulan