Did you know that it is illegal for you to use any professional photographer's image - even if you are in them - for any reason and in any form (including the web) without having permission first?
My own personal feelings on this matter are mixed. First off, I know that my images rock, and I'm very excited that people want to share them. It's really great for my business if my images are on your social network profile or blog, because your friends see them and want awesome images like that too.
The problem comes when there is no photo credit posted with them. How can it be good advertising if people don't know who created the images, or how to find me? Also, every time I see one of my custom-created image that has been scanned in or pulled off my blog I feel a little violated if I haven't granted permission to use it. I know it's impossible to expect this to stop altogether, because there is really no way for me to enforce the copyright laws, and I don't want to be mistaken as a totally mean and nasty person.
To make things easy and mutually beneficial for everyone (you know, a win-win situation), I have decided that I will allow my clients to use my images on their blog and social network profiles under the following conditions:
1. Please please please I beg you please just ask permission first. I know it's really easy to just take the images from electronic or printed sources, and not think twice about it, but asking my permission makes me the granter of a gift rather than the victim of copyright infringement. I don't like feeling ripped-off.
2. Every image that I create, and that you use electronically, must have my logo or name (KD Portraits) on it. This lets people know who I am, and what I do. Also, please don't alter the image in any way - as an artist I want the final say to what has my name on it.
3. Please include a link to my website: www.kdportraits.com with every set of images. This will give your friends and family members an easy way to find me if they want their own portraits created.
4. Please do not use more than four images per portrait session. There is a difference between sharing and exploiting the system.
The easiest way to comply with my wishes is just to drop me an email. I have sent web-sized images to several clients with my logo for their electronic use - and it makes everybody happy. I am so grateful to all my portrait clients and friends who trust me to create their precious memories. I love creating your images, and it thrills me that you are so excited to share them. There is nothing I get more passionate about than creating heirloom portraits for your family's generations to enjoy.
My own personal feelings on this matter are mixed. First off, I know that my images rock, and I'm very excited that people want to share them. It's really great for my business if my images are on your social network profile or blog, because your friends see them and want awesome images like that too.
The problem comes when there is no photo credit posted with them. How can it be good advertising if people don't know who created the images, or how to find me? Also, every time I see one of my custom-created image that has been scanned in or pulled off my blog I feel a little violated if I haven't granted permission to use it. I know it's impossible to expect this to stop altogether, because there is really no way for me to enforce the copyright laws, and I don't want to be mistaken as a totally mean and nasty person.
To make things easy and mutually beneficial for everyone (you know, a win-win situation), I have decided that I will allow my clients to use my images on their blog and social network profiles under the following conditions:
1. Please please please I beg you please just ask permission first. I know it's really easy to just take the images from electronic or printed sources, and not think twice about it, but asking my permission makes me the granter of a gift rather than the victim of copyright infringement. I don't like feeling ripped-off.
2. Every image that I create, and that you use electronically, must have my logo or name (KD Portraits) on it. This lets people know who I am, and what I do. Also, please don't alter the image in any way - as an artist I want the final say to what has my name on it.
3. Please include a link to my website: www.kdportraits.com with every set of images. This will give your friends and family members an easy way to find me if they want their own portraits created.
4. Please do not use more than four images per portrait session. There is a difference between sharing and exploiting the system.
The easiest way to comply with my wishes is just to drop me an email. I have sent web-sized images to several clients with my logo for their electronic use - and it makes everybody happy. I am so grateful to all my portrait clients and friends who trust me to create their precious memories. I love creating your images, and it thrills me that you are so excited to share them. There is nothing I get more passionate about than creating heirloom portraits for your family's generations to enjoy.
PS When are the school portraits session being done? Been waiting for that one and we are getting close.