Breaking through the Mask

One thing I strive for in every session is that moment when a person drops their "photo" face, and lets their true self shine through. I feel like one of my biggest strengths as a photographer is providing an atmosphere for this, and coaxing the personality out of each of my clients. This particular woman was fairly camera shy, but willing to do just about anything I asked her to. What a good sport! She was doing a great job, but I still felt that curtain of self-consciousness between us. Finally, towards the end of our session, in one instant, I felt that curtain drop. That's when we really started having fun, and I got my favorite image...

B, you really do remind me alot of Audrey Hepburn, and I hope you are as thrilled at these as I am. Thanks so much for these fun memories!


christycunn1 said…
Oh how true. You got some great images. There is nothing like natural light and a beautiful woman. It is so wonderful to check your blog and be inspired with new ideas.
Adrianne Heller said…
Hi Kris,

These pictures look great!

Anonymous said…
She looks amazing in these photos sometimes we dont know how beautiful we are to are self but others we do take notice of inner and outer beauty!!!!!