Never too late

This is the wonderful D family. C&M were married 15 years ago, and since they didn't have professional portraits done on their wedding day, they asked if I would do some on their anniversary. I love this family. They are so fun to be around, and if anyone ever had a kindred spirit to my husband, it would be C! Congratulations on your 15 years.

The title of my post also means it's never too late for me to post a sneek peak! I'm sorry this has taken so long. I hope you still love me! :-)


Ann Marie said…
I could cry these are so beautiful!
I love this family so much, and it is so beautiful to see M in white in front of the Temple. The kids look beautiful! They will be very pleased!
Good Job as always!! Love these!!!
Me said…
What a neat idea. Those photos are priceless. As always, you've out done yourself.