Surely this isn't Work

Being a portrait artist who mainly works with children has it's rough days. There's the child (mine!) who just won't look at the camera, the child who missed her nap, the child who won't hold still... There are all sorts of tricks and exhausting shennanigans that one employs to get that perfect shot. However, once in a while, you catch a break and have the rare opportunity to work with a little one like Sassy Miss K here. She was just pure JOY to create images of. All I had to do was keep pushing that shutter button, and she kept delivering stunning image after stunning image. Man, I can't believe I get paid to do this...


Ann Marie said…
She is a cute little girl!
Great photography Kris!
A'Lisha said…
kris- you are truely amazing!! and of course great at what you do!! thanks again for such a great time!!
Misty said…
Kris - you did such a beautiful job!
Me said…
I love seeing other pictures! Not only do I feel like I get a glimpse into other peoples lives, I get great ideas for our next photo ops. Thanks for posting so much on your blog. It is one that I visit all the time now!