Katie has won my animal snapshot contest, and scored herself a $25 gift certificate to The Cheesecake Factory with her awesome image of a monkey taken on her last Disney cruise. Here's her description of the image:
"These are the monkeys that as legend goes 'hold the Rock of Gilbralter together'. They were totally fearless of humans. This was taken down by our bus and you can see our cruise ship. Believe me, I have many more pictures with the monkeys. They were everywhere!"
I also have to post this image as the runner up, just because the story made me laugh so hard I was crying. Suzanne, you get props just for trying!
"The Geese at my work: BBBAAADDD call on my part! They are very angry models. With my simple camera that has no zoom, I had to keep a safe distance for my ankles and shins and the pictures did not turn out that great. I had one goose who was all bloody from fighting other geese asleep and I got really close to it, but then it heard me and it went bad. Let me just tell you from experience, that when their head is down like that and they are hissing, it is best to turn around and run. I can’t blame the white goose too much for being cranky, he was sleeping and I did wake him up, and was all bloody from a bad attack, he was just having a bad day (poor guy having a bad day and it was only 9:30 am). He was a large “marge” that’s for sure."
I want to thank everyone who entered the contest. I really enjoyed looking at all the images, and I may do another contest in the future. Thanks again!