Happy Birthday, Woman!

I did one of the funnest portrait sessions this weekend for my Sistah, J. This woman has STYLE! She can take pretty much anything, and make it look like it just jumped off the runway. Her specialty is second-hand stores. I seriously think she enters a completely different dimension when she shops thrift, because she will emerge with what I think are pretty awful items, and take them back to her magic alterations room, and create the coolest outfit I've ever seen. I swear she ought to be a fashion designer. BTW, she does carry her own line of hand-crafted bags and other vintage-flavored decor items. I'll amend this post with a link to her online store if I can. (Here it is: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5220450) Anyway, I wanted to tell her Happy Birthday today, and thank her for the "tour through the decades" fashion show.


Ann Marie said…
She does have such an amazing talent! I LOVE her vintage look!

Your whole family is soo artistically talented!!