Ok, I know I'm a bit slow getting this posted, but family issues have sort of taken control over the past couple weeks. I had to get this guy on my blog, though. This is baby P. He's in my First Year Club, and these are his 8-month portraits. I love my work when I am pushing and stretching to get something fun and new, and then WHAM! my subject starts interacting with me, and we get something really great. This is what I was kind-of going for: a nice, traditional pose of a very cute santa baby.

This is what P decided HE wanted to pose like, and I nearly couldn't keep the camera steady for laughing.
What an amazing little guy! I am so grateful I get to see him again in a few months. I can't wait to see what he does when he's able to walk! I have some great other images of this session that I'll post later... Tune in often!
