Competition Season is here again

I love photographic competition. I hate it, and I love it. Of the 20 people who read my blog, most of you know I've been involved in professional competitions for almost as long as I've been shooting. I've had some really great successes and some pretty pathetic scores, but overall the experience keeps me pushing myself to become better - learn more. This year I am entering a whole new category called "Artist", as well as the Photographic Open at International Print Competition. This category not only judges your skills in photography, but compositing, painting, and other digital manipulation skills. I have never put so much time into images for print comp as I have with my Artist prints, and it means I have to come up with 8 prints instead of just 4 this year. It is a BEAST.

This last week I went to my adopted home - The Professional Photographers of Idaho in Boise. I have been a member of their group for three years now, and every time I make my Mecca journey north, I swear it's an energy-rich zone specifically for me. A lot of it has to do with the people (ok, most of it) but I think there is something geographically "hot" about Idaho that stimulates and inspires me like nothing else. The convention was completely tailored to me this year, with Painting and Compositing classes (Oh my word, thank you so much Nicholas and Cheri!) and I really wanted to test my print case locally before sending it on to IPC in June. I was fortunate to do very well in the competition (I was honored with Master Photographer of the Year, Court of Honor, and a Judges Choice ribbon plus the placings below,) but more importantly, I got some really good feedback on a few adjustments that I can make on my prints to improve their chances down the road. Three cheek kisses to all my Idaho friends. I love you guys.

I can't post my images on Facebook because I am friends with many judges, and I don't want them to have to DQ themselves from judging my work. So, since a few of my friends and family want to see my comp images, I'm posting them here (since I'm pretty sure the judges for IPC don't read my tiny little blog.) with my awards from PP of Idaho. So pretty much, this post is for my Mom. :-)

"Phoenix Rising" Category: Master Electronic Imaging - First place
 photo Phoenix_RisingB.jpg

"Who Will Buy This Wonderful Morning?" Category: Master Electronic Imaging - Second place
 photo Who_will_buy_this_wonderful_morningB.jpg

"Cold Shoulder: Category: Master Electronic Imaging - Third place
 photo Cold_ShoulderB.jpg

"Somewhere in Time" Category: Master Portrait - First place
 photo Somewhere_in_Time.jpg

"Return of the King" Category: Master Portrait - Second place
 photo Return_of_the_King.jpg

"Quartet" Category: Master Portrait
 photo Quartet.jpg


Crystal said…
All of them are amazing!
Ruth said…
Wow. Just WOW. You have such amazing talent, Kris! Everytime I think it can't get better, do!
Heike Bammmann said…
Gorgeous images!! Good luck in the competition! I'm sure you'll win!