Haunted Garage - Scarytales Edition

I have the coolest friends. One of my joys in life is being associated with a family who actually loves Halloween better than I do. They turn their garage into a spook alley every year, and there are people who naturally arrange their whole holiday around attending. Remember when they did Frankenstein's laboratory? This year they did a Scarytales theme complete with Snow White's Queen's dungeon, a haunted forest where the Big Bad Wolf chases Red Riding Hood, a very creepy Gingerbread house, and the lair of the Mistress of All Evil herself, Maleficent. Over the top is the only way to go, folks. Over and beyond.  photo 001IMG_8606B.jpg  photo 002IMG_8635.jpg  photo 003IMG_8550.jpg  photo 004IMG_8557.jpg  photo 005IMG_8645.jpg  photo 006IMG_8560.jpg  photo 007IMG_8674.jpg  photo 008IMG_8681.jpg  photo 009IMG_8688.jpg  photo 010IMG_8567B.jpg  photo 011IMG_8715B.jpg
