Happiest Mom on Earth

Ok, so I am totally intimidated to post my vacation photos on my blog just because I feel like they should be super-spectacular because I'm a professional photographer. The truth is when I'm on vacation, I'm very hesitant to make my kids endure a week-long photo session, so I just take what I can when I can, and hope for the best. I can never bring myself NOT to take pictures, though, because the only way I can remember stuff is by either writing it down or taking a photo of it. I'm a visual-learner that way. At any rate, don't judge me by my vacation snapshots - just look how cute my family is! I LOVE Disneyland. Seriously, Walt wasn't just making a slogan when he dubbed it the Happiest Place on Earth. I imagine Heaven will be quite similar - minus the $4 churros.


Anonymous said…
how cute! great vacation shots.
Suzanne said…
I love your family shots!! The Ariel one is my favorite!! Just wonderful!- Suzanne
Me said…
I think you did a great job. I like them all, but I really like the Ariel one too
Anonymous said…
I know exactly what you mean. My mindset when I take photos of my family is different from my mindset when I take photos for my clients. I have to force myself to not lug my camera everywhere we go when we're on vacation, and just be happy with getting what I get. It is hard to not give in to the temptation to wear my photographer hat when I should be wearing my mom hat.
Camilla said…
I didn't mean to, but I judged you anyway. I think your "snaps" look beautiful, as are your kids.
We enjoyed Disneyland also, lots of fun, inspit of the overpriced by tasty when fresh, churros.