Portrait Parties 2.0

Ok, so I had a good photographer friend review my Portrait Parties program, and she told me frankly, "Kris, you have to re-do this." So, because I am new at parties, and she is much wiser and experienced than I am, I have re-organized the Portrait Parties program. The best change is that there is NO initial investent! That's right, you can host your portrait party at NO CHARGE to you or your guests. I'm still offering a complimentary 16x20 for the first host/hostess to book a party. This is an amazing offer, so contact me soon. Click on the parties link to see the updated program on my website: http://www.kdportraits.com/.


Me said…
Hey Kris,

I was just looking at your new party info and I just have one question. What is the pricing for those that want to order pictures? Is there specail pricing, or is it the same as your sessions?
Kris Doman said…
No session fees, regular pricing. I was trying to do it the other way around (hence the initial investment on the old program), but I think this will be a bigger savings for everyone upfront. Session fees for an individual are $125, so you will save that right off the bat, instead of saving a few dollars on each print. Does that make sense?